Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2023/988 o obecné bezpečnosti výrobků, o změně nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 1025/2012 a směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2020/1828 a o zrušení směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2001/95/ES a směrnice Rady 87/357/EHS (dále jen „Nařízení“), stanovuje požadavky na bezpečnost výrobků a z toho plynoucí povinnosti a odpovědnost hospodářských subjektů.
We are pleased to announce that Arthur Braun has been recommended again by WWL and is ranked among the top nine competition lawyers in the Czech Republic for 2024!
The draft law, which is to enable the creation of acceleration zones, which we informed you about some time ago here, is heading to the inter-ministerial comment procedure. In early July, a paragraphed version of the government’s draft law on the acceleration of the use of renewable energy sources was published[1] (“RESZ”), which you can read here. Inter-ministerial comment procedure shall be accomplished on July 31st, at the latest.
On 01.07.2024, Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts came into force.
Each member of our team specialises in several areas of law, which means we can provide our clients with comprehensive solutions.
List of specialisationsFor many years we have been working mainly in the private sector providing legal services to entrepreneurs like ourselves.
List of disciplinesLEADING FIRM
Small team, solution focused, quick respons times, always practical results without great efforts, good language skills & translation.
Find out morebpv Braun Partners s.r.o.
The prestigious British ranking company Chambers once again recommends bpv BRAUN PARTNERS.
Find out moreArthur Braun
Lucie Kalašová
bpv Braun Partners s.r.o.
bpv Braun Partners s.r.o.